Newsletter and Latest Updates

On behalf of all our volunteers we would like to welcome your child to our Tamil school. We will continue to build on their knowledge, and we look forward to another productive and great year ahead.

School reopens for Tamil lessons from Friday 08/09/2023 at 7.15 pm.
Classes will be conducted @ Sale High School, Norris Rd, Sale M33 3JR between 7.00 pm to 8.45 pm.

Fees for the academic year is £190 per child. This fee will cover their tuition fee and books. Fees for spoken class is  £160 per child. This will cover their tuition fee. School fee for next academic year is increased due to inflation.

Kindly pay it asap by bank transfer (DEADLINE – 01/09/2023)

Account name – Semmozhi Tamil School
Sort code 40-08-22
Acc Number 81714139
Reference – your child’s first name

Leadership Change:
We are pleased to inform you that Ms Karthika Subramanian will be our new Principal and Ms. Swarna Mukhi Ramaraju will be our new Vice Principal. Ms. Poorani Chandrasekaran will be our new deputy Vice Principal

Big thanks to Mrs Arthi Ganesh for the successful running of the Tamil School during the last academic year.

We have two trustees stepping down from their post this year. Big thanks to Mrs Jayanthi Sivakumar and Ms Rajeswari Thiagarajan for all their hard work over these years. They have been key to our school development since we  established our school.

Very warm welcome to Mr Adhiyaman Parthiban, Mr. Jai Sivaprakasam and Mr. Palaniappan Sundaram who will be joining as trustees from September 2023.


Sept 20238152229 (Test 1)
Oct 2023613Term Break
Nov 2023310 (Test 2)1724
Dec 202318 (Test 3)15Term Break
Jan 2024Term Break121926 (Test 4)
Feb 20242923Term Break
Mar 20241 (Test5)81522
Apr 2024Break1926
May 20243101724 (Test 7)
Jun 2024Term Break142128 (Final Test)
July 20247 (Sunday –
Annual Day)
Summer Holidays
Aug 2024Summer Holidays

Virtual parents evening will be held in February first week. Date will be communicated closer to the time.

We expect the students to attend the classes regularly. Students missing classes find it very difficult to catch up with the rest of their group and make poor progress in learning Tamil. Students are expected to come to the lesson on time at 7.15 pm start. Latecomers will be marked and it will impact their attendance score.

At least 85% attendance is a must. If the child does not have satisfactory attendance, they may not be able to sit the end of year assessment and likely to stay in the same grade for the next academic year.

School Pickup:
Please be available to pick your child by 8.45 pm and vacate the school premises by 8.50 pm. There will be no adult supervising your child after 8.50 PM. If you are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, please arrange a cover for pickup and/or inform your child’s teacher.

Every teacher is an unpaid volunteer and many of them have small children who also attend Tamil school. Your delay impacts other families as well. So, we request you to be on time for pickup each week. If we notice frequent delays in  pickup, late fees might be  charged.

Kindly avoid parking on both sides of Norris Road as it causes a lot of traffic congestion.
Kindly make use of the two school car parks of Sale High School.

If you are thinking about volunteering and have not had the chance to do so, now is the perfect time. We have both teaching and non teaching volunteer openings (full time or part time). If you are interested, please get in touch with the principal or email us at [email protected] a  lovely summer. See you all on 8th September at 7.00 pm

Trustees of Semmozhi Tamil School.

Click here for School Calendar

Car Park

Please avoid parking on both sides of Norris Road  as it causes traffic congestion. Kindly use the two school carparks or parks as shown on the picture above.

Annual General Meeting

At School AGM the Trustees will present the accounts and report of the work of Semmozhi Tamil School for the year.

The officers for the next year will be ratified and any vacant committee member post will be elected.

Besides this , any proposals given to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the meeting will be discussed.

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